(alphabetically ordered by presenter [fist-named])
Ashina Fumi
National Diet Library
[How to use original documents of modern Japan: background knowledge for historical research, methods of decipherment of Kuzushi-ji]
In order to research primary documents or manuscripts, specific knowledge and skills are still prerequisite, even likely to be obstacles, though it has become easier to access historical documents and their finding aids with the advance of digitization. As an attempt to lower such barriers, this presentation will introduce practical knowledge for the study of history of modern Japan as well as various useful tools to learn Kuzushi-ji (characters written in cursive style) exemplified in letters of Meiji period. When handling materials written in Kuzushi-ji, in particular, it is necessary to understand the forms and styles peculiar to a certain period which is the object of study: styles of Kuzushi-ji from the modern era are distinct from those of the Edo period.
To be concrete, convenient information to be acquired in advance of actual surveys will be mentioned: differences in the objects of collections and finding aids of chief organizations such as the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (Kensei-shiryô-shitsu) of the National Diet Library and the National Archives of Japan; chief types of materials as letters, official documents, diaries, memoranda; printing methods used then in Japan etc. In addition, the methods of decipherment of letters handwritten by representative statesmen in modern Japan will be mentioned, while introducing the essence of an electronic learning material, “modern and present-day materials: letters in main” (to be open to the public on the website of NDL around September 2014) .
Béranger, Véronique
Bibliothèque nationale de France
The project of website about French-Japanese relations (until 1920) at the BnF
The French National Library (BnF) and the National Diet Library signed a 3 years convention in 2012, which launched a project of a joint digital exhibition about the French-Japanese relationships.
The exhibition is due to open in November 2014, a date linked with the 90 years anniversary of the founding of the Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo 日仏会館 (November 1924). The project team selected documents, digitized and to be digitized, trying to show to the public important and less known documents about French-Japanese relationships, from the 17th c to the beginning of the 20th c. We focused on 4 issues : travel accounts, Japonism in art and literature, and studies by scholars. One of our purposes was to show the variety of documents concerned by Japan in the French National Library.
All the collections regarding Japan in the BnF could not have been taken into account : some of the documents are in bad shape and needed restoration, but the digitization will be a work in progress for the following years.
[presentation | handout]
Berlinguez-Kōno, Noriko and Delrue-Vandenbulcke, Laure
University of Lille 3 ; Lille City Library
The circulation of knowledge in the nineteenth century : some observations from the books in the Léon de Rosny Collection of Lille City Library
[十九世紀世界における知の交流の一類型—リール市図書館所蔵レオン ド・ロニー文庫内の書物三冊に関する一考察]
This paper aims at examining the history of three books stored in Léon de Rosny’s collection in view of giving a brief outline of the nineteenth century’s circulation of the knowledge observed in this particular case. The first document is a copy of Karl Gützlaff’s Gospel of John hand-written by de Rosny himself in 1854. The famous Gützlaff’s translation printed in Singapore in 1837 is the first translation of the Bible into Japanese. It is interesting to notice that this document was in great demand at that time among the European orientalists keen to learn the rudiments of the Japanese language. The second book to mention is Fuei shinsetsu (Fuying xinshuo in Chinese), a Japanese annotated version of the treatise on obstetrics written in Chinese by Benjamin Hobson, an English medical missionary based in China. The book was given to de Rosny by a young member of the Second Japanese Embassy to Europe (1864). How can we explain the intellectual curiosity for the obstetrics in China, in Japan and in France? We will try to propose some clues to the understanding of this nineteenth century’s situation. Lastly, we would like to focus on a Japanese version of the famous Kaikoku zushi (Hai guo tu zhi in Chinese). While the one in the Lille City Library being only a part of the important collection of Kaikoku zushi considered as epoch-making for the turning period, it reflects well the Japanese public interest at that time, for the book examines various aspects of the United States of America: geography, politics, customs, institutions. From these studies, we would like to make a modest contribution by presenting a more concrete and accurate situation of the circulation of the knowledge observed in this part of the world.
本報告では、リール市図書館所蔵レオン・ド・ロニー文庫内の書物三冊にまつわる来歴を考察することにより、十九世紀世界における知の交流の一類型の提示を試みる。最初に取り上げるのは、日本語に翻訳された、初の聖書としてよく知られている、ギュツラフ訳『約翰福音之傳』(ヨハネ福音書)である。リール市図書館所蔵のそれは、表紙を除けば、全てド・ロニーが自筆で原本から写し、西洋式のハードカバーの装丁になっている。原本はなぜか文庫にはないようである。大英図書館にも同じ写しがあるが、 リール版にはない仏語での「注意書き」があり興味深い。二冊目であるが、『婦嬰新説』といういわゆる漢訳洋書で、著者は中国を拠点として活動したイギリス宣教医のベンジャミン・ホブソンである。この本は1864年の遣欧使節団のメンバーの一人がド・ロニーに贈ったものである。当時、ド・ロニーは他のメンバーに生物学を講じていた。最後に挙げる書物は『亜米利加総記』で、魏源による『海国図志』(60巻本)の、39巻に当たる部分の和解本である。漢訳洋書等の幕府による解禁後、『海国図志』は周知の通り、幕末の志士に多大な影響を与えたばかりでなく、和解本の普及により、武士以外にも広く読まれるようになり、明治維新へと突き進む社会全体の精神的原動力にもなった。留意したい点は、中国で出版されて僅か数年後、フランスの中国学者で、ド・ロニーの師であるスタニスラス・ジュリアンがJournal asiatique (1847) に初版本の書評を寄せていることである。
[presentation | presentation | handout]
EAJRS and NCC 25 years together and apart : envisioning new technologies for collaboration
In commemoration of EAJRS’s 25th anniversary Conference, and in anticipation of NCC’s 25th in 2016‐17, this presentation reflects upon the roads our two organizations have taken thus far, and proposes concrete ways that EAJRS and NCC can more significantly collaborate to fulfill our individual and mutual goals in the next quarter century.
Discussion will focus on using free online resources and new social media to create important value-added content to the collections and resources we (and others) have created. In addition to strategies for revealing the hidden treasures of our collections especially the growing number of digitized collections of our rare cultural properties, these strategies include ways to provide better access to conference papers such as EAJRS presentations online, and the products of scholarly conferences across the disciplines in our field. They also include new ways to make advanced Japanese language materials more accessible online, and provide English-language subtitles for Japanese content such as NDL’s online tutorials.
This presentation will also explore possible ways that our work as Japanese Resource Specialists can be more squarely understood within the ever changing and evolving “funding paradigms and grant guidelines” of major international funders, including in such categories as “undergraduate outreach,” “professional and curatorial training,” “preservation and access services,” and “information literacy instruction.”
All of these strategies can provide greater access to resources and collections generally used at more advanced levels and to those in comparative and cross-disciplinary studies. This presentation will particularly look at ways that online technologies facilitate collaborations both in real-time and across distant time zones, and can create online resources that benefit Japanese studies scholars and students everywhere, and provide “gateways” to those just entering Japan-related fields.
Cryns, Frederik and Egami Toshinori
International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)
[Ietsuna, Yoshimune and the rediscovery of Dodonaeus, a critical review]
ドドネウスの著名な本草書『草木誌』は、江戸期における蘭学の発展に大きな影響を与えたとされている。一九九八年にカトリック・ルーヴァン大学と国際日本文化研究センターが共催したシンポジウムDodonaeus in Japanにおいて、この『草木誌』について示された共通認識として、一六五九年にオランダ商館長ワーヘナールが将軍家綱に一部を献上したということ、この本が一七一七年あるいは一七四〇年に八代将軍吉宗に再発見されるまで幕府の書庫に眠っていたということの二点が指摘できる。
Dodonaeus’ famous herbal, Cruydt-boeck, is considered a catalyst in the development of Western Studies or Rangaku during the Edo period. In a symposium on Dodonaeus in Japan jointly organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Nichibunken in 1998, there was a consensus that one of the first copies known to have been imported in Japan was presented to shogun Ietsuna in 1659 by Zacharias Wagenaer, the head of the Dutch factory on Deshima, and that the book was put away in a Bakufu storeroom, until it was rediscovered by the eight Shogun Yoshimune in 1717 or 1740.
This presentation will examine the validity of this theory, using the records of the Dutch East Company. In Wagenaer’s dagregister we find an entry on April 7, 1659 that he had indeed sent a copy to Inaba Masanori, a member of the Shogun’s Council of Elders, but on the 24th of the same month, we find an entry that the book was returned to Wagenaer because the illustrations were allegedly too small and not well drawn. As it was returned by Inaba, it is very unlikely that this copy was subsequently presented to the Shogun. Moreover, I have not found any other references that this book was presented to Ietsuna, except for the fact that this very copy is mentioned from then on every year in the records of the books that were held in Deshima until 1716, when it was send back to Batavia, according to the journal of the Rijxdorff. Therefore, Ietsuna could not have been in possession of this copy of the Cruydt-boeck. The only verifiable copy of a Cruydt-boeck that could have found its way to the Bakufu’s storeroom, is the copy presented to Inoue Masashige, Inspector General of Religious Affairs, as can be seen in Coyett’s dagregister of 1653.
There are likewise no proofs that Yoshimune was the person who rediscovered this book. From the dagregisters we know that Fukami Arichika, Confucian scholar and Librarian of Edo castle, brought a copy of the Cruydt-boeck to the lodge where the Dutch stayed during their visit to Edo in 1741 to ask some questions to the Dutch surgeon, Musculus, about rosemary. Noro Genjo who originally used Sweerts’ Floregium as a source book of Dutch plants, apparently received the book from Fukami the next year. It is clear, therefore, that the reception of Dodonaeus’ Cruydt-boeck developed in a different way than is generally believed.
Feng Haiying
Tsinghua University. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
[Shirakaba-ha in resources]
[纏めは無し no summary]
Hánová, Markéta
National Gallery in Prague
Japanese cultural legacy in central Europe
The phenomenon of ukiyo-e collecting grew up together with the popular perception of the exotic aura of Japan, the arts and culture as a whole in the latter half of the 19th century. The collections of a great many of aristocrats, artists, literati persons or non-artistic professions are today in custody of Czech state institutions as an evidence of the collecting fashion in the Czech lands of that time.
World’s Fairs held in Paris and Vienna stimulated art-collecting endeavors also in the Czech lands. In connection with the Vienna World’s Fair of 1873, articles on Japan and its culture in magazines lifted up also the interest in ukiyo-e prints. Besides Vienna, the vivid venues for Japanese art market were the World’s Fairs held in Paris (from 1878 on), which were also visited by collectors or artists from Bohemia who acquired some of the woodcuts at the art market or sales such as it was the Drouot auction of the Hayashi’s collection Japanese woodcuts sold off in 1901 (e.g. Emil Orlik). The fever for collecting ukiyo-e captivated many artists of the literati and visual art circles of Czech avant-garde to pursue their study of Japanese woodblock prints in Paris in order to re-interpret Japanese motifs in a different context or apply Japanese artistic vocabulary. The paper also shows some of direct inspirations of Japanese prints on artwork’s design such as ceramics or glass work.
Ichikawa Yoshinori
Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. Maison du Japon. Bibliothèque
Imanishi Yuichiro
National Institute of Japanese Literature
[Beyond Kokusho sōmokuroku]
Though Kokusho sōmokuroku which was completed in 1972 is a great fulfillment of Modern Japanese bibliography, its bibliographic information is not always sufficient. The information is limited to genre, number of volume, publishing date and owner, and does not include information inevitable from the philological point of view, like absence of illustration, linage and writing (hiragana or katakana). In order to cover its insufficiency, as well as to visually display the nature of the books which changes with the times, National Institute of Japanese Literature is about to construct more useful database by adding the image data to existing Nihon kotenseki sōgōmokuroku database which has already been released based on Kokusho sōmokuroku. In this paper I would like to show expected usefulness of the upcoming image database with giving the example of Edo period’s printed books with several editions.
Koide Izumi
Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
Business archives as resources for research on Japan
Despite their potential as rich resources, business archives are often overlooked by scholars. The reasons for this may include that business archives are considered to be materials for study in economic history, that information on their holdings is not readily available, and that they are usually hard to locate and access.
Archival materials produced in the course of doing business are housed in various types of institutions, which can be largely divided into two categories: in-house institutional archives located within the originating organization and collecting archives housed in public facilities such as museums and universities. Materials in in-house archives may be transferred to a corporate museum or external archives after having been used for the compilation of a company history. This practice is also seen with other types of organizations, for example, with local governments and materials used to compile local histories.
This paper introduces the general status of business archives in Japan, examines the characteristics of the aforementioned two categories of archives, and offers suggestions on how they can be approached for research. The paper also looks at business archives in Europe that may be relevant to research on Japan and makes a brief mention of the activities of the Shibusawa Foundation in regards to business archives.
Koyama Noboru
Cambridge University Library
Digitisation and conservation of early Japanese books at Cambridge University Library : how to solve the problems caused by additional western bindings
At Cambridge University Library, a significant proportion of early Japanese books have had additional western bindings added to them, in order to make them stand on the shelves like western books or modern Japanese books. These additional bindings may prevent the books from being opened fully, which may make it more difficult or impossible to digitise the books. Moreover, the additional bindings are not recognised as the most ideal formats for the long term conversation of early Japanese books. Considering the digitisation and conservation of these early Japanese books, we have investigated various methods to solve the problem including non-obstructive one, such as the use of the V-shape book drive. After giving the problem plenty of thought, we have come to the conclusion that, after the digitisation process, instead of rebinding the books, we ought to store them in new boxes, in order to best preserve them in the long term.
Kyburz, Josef
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Japanese Buddhist art in European collections
The paper proposes to present a joint research project of the Research Center for International Japanese Studies of Hōsei University, Tokyo, and the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich. Called “Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections” (JBAE・在欧博物館等保管日本仏教美術資料), the project, started in 2010 and now being in its second three-year phase, purports to repertorise all objects at present housed in European museums (of Fine Arts, historical, ethnographical) and major collections (public and private) that are of Japanese origin and connected with Japanese Buddhism. The aim is to include all such objects (sculpture, paintings, manuscripts, ritual objects, textiles, paper charms) in a database open for public consultation (http://aterui.i.hosei.ac.jp:8080/index.html). 43 museums and libraries from 18 East- and West-European countries actively participate at present in this program and make their holdings of Buddhist artifacts accessible in digital form for scholarly, academic, educational or private, but in any case non-commercial, purposes, The information thus made available includes all museographical data such as registration number, identification, description, size, accession, digital photographs, etc.
The idea is to introduce this program and the database to the scholarly community of conference participants, to publicize and encourage its use for research, to solicit participation by providing information on eventual holdings of this nature in your institution (library, museum, private collection). The presentation will give an overview of the place of Japanese Buddhist art in European museums and libraries.
Matsuda Yasuyo
Yamaguchi University
日本人による著作物の分析 : 古代より幕末まで : 国文学研究資料館「日本古典籍総合目録データベース」(2013年12月19日時点) 著作レコード468,560件の解析結果報告
[Analysis of the works by Japanese people]
科学分野において、仮説検証型の手法ではなく、データ中心の解析を行い大量のデータを処理することで新しい科学的知見を得る手法をみかけるようになった。このようなdata-intensive scienceとまではいかないが、国文学研究資料館(以下、国文研)が、『国書総目録』を継承・発展を目指して構築した「日本古典籍総合目録データベース」(以下、古典籍データベース)の著作レコード466,457件を使って、日本人による著作物の分野はいかような傾向にあるか、データ補正を施し解析をした。そこから得られた知見を紹介する。
Nakamura Haruko
Yale University Library
The tale of the Japanese folding screens : a journey from Japan to Yale (and back)
27 historical Japanese documents from the 12th to 18th centuries were returned to Yale University Library following two years of preservation treatment at the University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute. These documents were originally pasted onto two folding screens, the Harimaze byōbu.
The return of the Harimaze byōbu documents to Yale marks a significant event in the 150-year history of the East Asia Library; the screen originally came to Yale in 1934 as part of a gift of over 350 Japanese historical and cultural treasures from the Yale Association of Japan (YAJ).
The YAJ Collection and the subsequent growth of the Japanese collection at Yale East Asia Library contribute to our understanding of the history of Japanese studies in the United States. Asakawa Kan’ichi, one of the pioneering figures of East Asian Studies in the US, was the first Japanese professor of History and the founder of the East Asia Library at Yale. During his 36 years as a history instructor and 42 years as a curator of the library, Asakawa strived to create a premier collection that would be representative of the full sweep of the recorded history of the Japanese archipelago, which would also serve as the foundation of scholarly investigation of Japanese studies in the United States.
By illustrating the preservation and restoration processes of the Harimaze byobu documents, this presentation will trace the origins of the YAJ Collection as well as the development of Japanese collections at Yale University Library. Finally, the paper aims to historicize the development of Yale East Asia Library into one of the key institutional players in Asian Studies in the US.
Nakamura Sumiko
Independent scholar
[Remanufacturing of the composition in the Hyakunin isshu-e-shō by Utagawa Toyokuni III]
Noguchi Sachie
Columbia University in the City of New York. C.V. Starr East Asian Library
Conservation of Shitamoe no ezōshi (Shitamoe monogatari) manuscript scroll held by C.V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University
A manuscript copy of the work known as Shitamoe no ezōshi, or Shitamoe monogatari held by C.V. Starr East Asian Library was conserved in 2013. The scroll has the note at the end (okugaki) by Mitsuoki Tosa (1617-1691) in Kanbun 3 [1663] which indicated that the scroll was called “Shitamoe.” The paper discusses the treatment by the Preservation and Digital Conversion Division of Columbia University Libraries of the scroll which was found in extremely poor condition, and the updates of the catalog record based on the new findings encountered after conservation treatment.
寛文3 [1663)年の土佐光信の奥書のあるコロンビア大学C.V.スター東亜図書館所蔵「下燃絵草紙」(下燃物語)は白描絵巻の写本で2013年保存が完了した。触ることさえ不可能なほど、ひどい状態で発見された写本絵巻へのコロンビア大学図書館保存・デジタル変換部により施された処置について、また保存により明らかとなった写本絵巻について、目録情報の更新などについて述べる。
Noguchi Setsuko
Princeton University. East Asian Library and the Gest Collection
Space for reflection and education : case study of sugoroku collection at Cotsen Children’s Library, Princeton University
[時代の反映と教育の場としての空間 : プリンストン大学Cotsen Children’s Libraryにおける双六コレクションを中心とした一考察]
Cotsen Children’s Library at Princeton University houses approximately 300 e-sugoroku (Japanese picture board games) that were mostly supplements to the journals for juveniles published from the nineteenth century to the post World War II.
E-sugoroku grew as the evolution of printing technology and the growth and increase of the number of journals for young readers during the twentieth century in Japan. The theme of e-sugoroku vary from travel and maps to moral education which also reflects Japan’s cultural and social conditions of the time from Meiji restoration to the end of World War II. Especially, every war that Japan was involved in such as Sino-Japanese War, Japan’s invention of Manchuria, and the World War II was promptly adopted in e-sugoroku. The images used in e-sugoroku as a tool for educating “shokokumin” (young citizen) and for disseminating messages and propaganda can be utilized these days as valuable visual resources for history, anthropology, and cultural studies.
I would like to introduce Cotsen’s sugoroku collection, first summarizing various types of e-sugoroku and its history. Then I will examine the evidence of the progress of Japan’s nationalism and changes in attitude to foreign countries appeared in e-sugoroku by presenting actual images from the Cotsen’s collection.
Princeton大学のCotsen Children’s Libraryでは約300タイトルの絵双六を所蔵している。これらはほとんどが19世紀はじめから第二次世界大戦までに発行された少年少女向けの雑誌の付録として印刷されたものである。
今回の発表では、まずCotsen Libraryの絵双六を例に、種類と歴史を要約し、さらに、絵双六に現れる日本のナショナリズムの変遷と諸外国への認識の変化を検証したい。
Ohtsuka Yasuyo and Todd, Hamish ; Hirano Muneaki and Matsuo Hiroko
British Library ; National Archives of Japan. Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR)
アジア歴史資料センターと大英図書館の試み : 共同ウェブサイト「描かれた日清戦争~錦絵・年画と公文書~」の制作・公開における「課題」をめぐって
[The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 : as seen in prints and archives : a joint project between the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) and the British Library]
国立公文書館アジア歴史資料センターと大英図書館は、2014年5月に共同ウェブサイト「描かれた日清戦争 ~錦絵・年画と公文書~」を公開した(日本語版と英語版の同時公開)。このウェブサイトは、大英図書館の所蔵する日清戦争関係版画類コレクション全235点と、アジア歴史資料センターの公開する日本の公文書とを用いて、当時の人々が日清戦争をどのように描き、記したのかを紹介するものであり、大英図書館の持つ豊富な視覚的資料と書誌情報整理のノウハウ、そして、アジア歴史資料センターの持つ歴史的公文書に関する知見とを合わせることによって実現したものである。
In May 2014 the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records (JACAR) and the British Library opened their joint bilingual website “The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 : as seen in prints and archives”. Using the British Library’s collection of 235 prints of the Sino-Japanese War and official Japanese documents made available by JACAR the website aims to explain how people at the time depicted and recorded the war. The site combines the British Library’s rich visual material and bibliographical know-how with JACAR’s specialist knowledge of historical documents.
In planning, creating and opening the website staff of the two institutions faced major issues. Firstly, the difficulty of dealing with a topic such as the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-5. Next, the difficulty of using simultaneously materials with such totally different characters as prints and archives. Thirdly, the difficulty of providing bibliographic data in Japanese and English for the Japanese and Chinese prints – for example transliteration and translation of proper names.
In this presentation we will explain how the staff of JACAR and the British Library worked together to overcome these issues. We hope that our experiences in working with printed material and archives may be useful to the many institutions which face similar challenges.
[presentation | article | 論文 ]
Rocha, Fabiano
University of Toronto Libraries
The growing collection of Japanese Canadian redress materials at the University of Toronto Libraries
In 1942, the federal government of Canada used the War Measures Act to label Japanese Canadians as enemies and categorized them as security threats. Over 20,000 people were place in internment camps. The treatment of the Japanese Canadians was a lot harsher than those of Japanese American counterparts. As an example, many Japanese Canadians were forced to live in animal stalls for months while waiting for relocation. Japanese Canadians were forced to move outside of British Columbia and were not allowed to return until 1949. By that time, many decided to settle in the places they had been relocated. The Canadian government also confiscated their properties and sold them at a fraction of what they were worth. In the late 1970s and 1980s, redress became the primary focus of the National Association of Japanese Canadians. It was not an easy process, as the redress movement caused division within the Japanese Canadian community. Thankfully, as a result of the hard work of the NAJC, the federal government not only apologized for its wrongdoings but also offered individual compensation as well as funding to rebuild the infrastructure of the destroyed communities. Toronto was the home to a number of redress activists who played a crucial role in the movement. As this population is aging, and many of them are no longer alive, The University of Toronto is working with a few members of the community to ensure that archival materials related to the redress story are preserved and accessible to future generations. In this presentation, I would like to talk about the community engagement and introduce the growing collection of redress-related archival materials at the University of Toronto Libraries.
Shigehara Toru
Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foudation
[Digital collection on Shibusawa Keizō : a new reading experience]
In September 2012, the Executive Committee of the Shibusawa Keizō Memorial Project launched the Shibusawa Keizō Archive website (http://shibusawakeizo.jp/).
The goal of the digital collection is to showcase the life of Shibusawa Eiichi’s grandson Shibusawa Keizō, who died 50 years ago last year. To that end, we have been collecting and sharing information about Keizō. The core of the collection is a digital edition of The collected works of Shibusawa Keizō. In addition to reading the text, users can also view notes displayed on the left and right margins linking keywords in the text to the Japanese version of Wikipedia. In this way, by combining a modern digital resource of information technology with works written more than 50 years ago, a new reading experience is born.
The presentation will introduce the Shibusawa Keizō archive with a focus on a demonstration of the digital edition of The collected works of Shibusawa.
Takahashi Nanako ; Tytler, Izumi and Hasunuma Ryuko
National Institute of Informatics ; University of Oxford. Bodleian Japanese Library ; Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln. Bibliothek
Report on the latest development of NII’s services and User discussion session
We talk about the latest trend of NII responding to the question of the EAJRS library community.
Tatsumi Yukako
University of Maryland. College Park
The Gordon W. Prange Collection : an archive of everyday life in occupied Japan, 1945-1949
[ゴードンW.プランゲ文庫 : 占領期日本における日常生活の記録1945-1949]
The Gordon W. Prange Collection is the most comprehensive archive in the world of Japanese-language print publications issued in the early years of the occupation of Japan, 1945-1949. The Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP) pursued democratization and demilitarization agenda and controlled postwar Japan’s media in an attempt to reform public expression. A twofold strategy of indoctrination and censorship was implemented by two separate units, the Civil Information and Education Section (CIE) and the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD). The CIE carried out indoctrination of democratic and peaceful notions while the CCD examined and suppressed militaristic and nationalistic ideas. Accordingly, the CCD required all publications throughout the nation to be submitted for censorship. These publications included materials of all kinds: public policy documents, statistical records, classical to modern literatures, textbooks, academic reference materials, encyclopedias, recreational pamphlets, wall newspapers, comic books, cartoons, and children’s literature − not to mention national and local newspapers and magazines. Consequently, these publications illuminate contours of postwar everyday life in Japan transcending the terms and ideas subjected to CCD censorship. They vividly capture people’s daily actions across regions, generations, and socio-economic status at the revolutionary beginning of postwar Japan: the ways in which they reinterpreted and reshaped their identities in the transformative contexts of homes, schools, workplaces, and communities, and the ways in which they imagined, interacted and negotiated with unprecedented possibilities and constrains in political, economic, industrial, social, and educational arenas. Gordon W. Prange (1910-1980), a history professor at the University of Maryland, who served as the Civilian Chief of MacArthur’s Historical Section, recognized the historical value of these materials and successfully acquired them when SCAP lifted the censorship operation in late 1949. These materials have been exhaustively preserved since their arrival at the University of Maryland Libraries in 1949-1951, and they shape the full scope of everyday life dynamics during the formative years of postwar Japan.
ゴードン W. プランゲ文庫は占領期日本のあらゆる出版物が包括的に保存されている記録書庫である。第二次大戦後、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)は日本を軍国主義から開放し民主化するため、出版物、ラジオ、映画などのメディアを管理した。出版物はすべて民間検閲局(CCD)への提出が義務づけられ、非民主的、軍国主義的表現は、検閲により削除または発禁となった。CCDに提出された出版物は、全国紙や地方紙、雑誌に留まらず、公共政策文書や統計、古典および近代文学作品、教科書、参考書、百科事典、パンフレット、壁新聞、漫画本、児童書などあらゆる分野にわたった。結果として、集められた出版物は、本来の検閲の目的を超え、戦後改革の行われた占領期日本の日常生活を余すところなく伝える最高の資料群となった。占領という新しい社会変革期に、日本中のあらゆる地域や世代、社会階層の人々が、どのようにして戦前とは違った活躍の場を、それぞれの家庭や学校、職場や地域社会の中で見出し、また占領期の困難とどう向きあったのかをうかがい知ることができるのである。メリーランド大学の歴史学の教授で、当時マッカーサー司令部歴史課長の職にあったゴードン・プランゲは、これらの出版物の歴史的な価値に着目し、SCAP による検閲が解かれた1949年に、これらすべての出版物を米国に移送した。この資料群はメリーランド大学図書館に到着し始めた1949 年以降、占領期の日本の日常生活を伝える資料として保管されている。
Yabuta Yutaka and Fujioka Mai
Kansai University
[Five theaters in Dōtonbori in Osaka and a stage carpenter]
Dōtonbori is nowadays one of the most famous places as a gourmet city in Japan. It attracts many tourists from foreign countries as well as other cities in Japan. However Dōtonbori had been generally known as a theater district where kabuki and jōruri were played for almost 400 years.
We started a restoration research of Dōtonbori by making a computer graphics in 2010 and are now trying to reproduce its appearance of stages in 1900s thanks to rare materials of stage carpenter Nakamura Giemon. Giemon’s materials contain not only some design drawings of stage but pictures of back stage of kabuki. That materials make it possible to reproduce a theater and stage in the golden age of theater district of Dōtonbori in the early 20th century. We will show the latest result on the research project of a theater district Dōtonbori in Osaka.
[presentation | presentation | video]
Yamada McVey, Kuniko
Harvard University. Harvard-Yenching Library
A study of falconry manuscripts held in the Harvard-Yenching Library
The art of falconry in Japan is said to be introduced from Korea in the 4th century, and has kept its vibrant presence among members of the ruling class including the imperial family through the early modern period. Harvard-Yenching Library holds eleven falconry books that were produced before Meiji era (1868). All but two are manuscripts carrying the library seals of Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829), a chief senior councilor of Tokugawa Shogunate also known as a literary author. This presentation explores these small in volume but interesting manuscripts while considering the art and practice of falconry in Japan.
Yamaguchi Satoshi
University of Tokyo. Historiographical Institute
[The Preservation of Paper Cultural Properties in the aftermath of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake of 2011 : On-Site Rescue Operations and the Handling of Documents Used as Underlining in Doors and Screens]
The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake of 2011 caused massive damage to infrastructure and lifeline services, both as a result of the earthquake itself and the flooding caused by the resulting tsunami. In response, numerous volunteers and relief supplies poured into the affected areas to help with the recovery. At the same time, operations to preserve cultural properties affected by the disaster were also begun. During this process these cultural properties were retrieved from the affected areas, their condition stabilized, and then they were preserved and/or displayed publicly. This became a rare opportunity to check and see whether the documents were still in the same place as they had been when last recorded, as well as a good way to help with the local recovery of areas affected by the disaster.
The best known of these projects was the Rescue Programme for Cultural Properties, which was run by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. However, groups and individuals unaffiliated with the Rescue Programme for Cultural Properties also had a large impact, especially on smaller scale facilities affected by the disaster.
In this presentation, I will report on two examples of preservation projects unaffiliated with the Rescue Programme for Cultural Properties in which I participated. First, I will introduce an operation on Oshima Island (Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture) that I was personally involved in, explaining the state of the cultural properties damaged in the tsunami and the kind of preservation methods used (both in the rescue and stabilization of paper cultural properties) in such urgent circumstances. In the second case, I will discuss the problem old documents which had been repurposed as underlining in doors and. Doors and screens with old documents in them were discovered when the houses they were in were demolished after the earthquake, so at the request of the Miyagi Shiryou Net, The Tokyo University Historiographical Institute extracted these documents, and I will describe that process.
Yasue Akio
Gakushuin University
Preservation of Japanese old books in Europe : survey results and some remarks
[在欧日本史料の保存 : 調査結果といくつかの発言]
Many European libraries, archives and museums possess Japanese rare books, manuscripts, maps, wood-block prints, photographs etc. These Japanese historical documents are invaluable cultural and academic resources which should be safeguarded forever. Yet, due to lack of resources such as staff, budget and skills,, they are sometimes in difficult situation which might cause their loss or damage.
I, as a library and archives preservation consultant in Japan, would like to discuss several essentials with the intension to support European institutions for the preservation of these Japanese historical documents. The points I will discuss are; 1) know your collections, 2) know their conditions, 3) know their storage conditions, 4) ‘prevention first’ principle, 5) importance of originals and ‘do not restore’ principle, 6) preservation is for use, and 7) systematic and collection oriented preservation approach.
I expect to discuss the topic together with the conference attendants so that we can share our knowledge and experience.
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Yokohata Yukiko
University of Leuven. Japanese studies
[Japanese anti-Semitism and policy towards the Jews]
This presentation examines the influence of anti-Semitic thought on Japanese policy towards the Jews by examining anti-Semitic publications in Japan in the first half of the 20th century.
Japan, where no sizable Jewish communities have ever existed, encountered anti-Semitism during the Siberian Intervention of 1918-1922 for the first time. Japanese officers brought Russian anti-Semitic pamphlets, such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion back to Japan, which they had acquired from the anti-Bolshevik Russian army. From then Japanese anti-Semitic publications went into circulation, although with limited readership.
In 1936, the Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded between Germany and Japan. At the same time, the Association for International Political and Economic Studies, a para-governmental organization affiliated with the Foreign Ministry, was established to ‘study’ the Jewish peril in Japan. This association published Studies in the World’s Secret Powers, an anti-Semitic magazine with the financial support of the German Embassy in Tokyo. From the late 1930s onwards, as Japan and Germany increased contact, many more anti-Semitic publications were circulated.
While anti-Semitic sentiment was disseminated through these publications, the systematic persecution of Jews was not carried out in Japanese occupied China, or Manchukuo. Instead, from the mid-1939s, various plans were developed in Japan to repair the worsening relationship between Japan and the U.S. Part of this initiative was to invite American capital in exchange for the Jewish refugee population, which was on the rise in Japanese-occupied Shanghai. The settlement plans for Jewish refugees were in line with the utilitarian attitude of Japan towards Jews. In other words, the image of the Jews presented in anti-Semitic propaganda actually became a driving force to utilize them instead of persecuting them.